Helpful resources for qualification evaluation and recognition

NARIC Ireland would like to share the results of the Thematic Peer Group - Lisbon Recognition Convention project on the implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention in EHEA countries, co-funded within the ERASMUS+ Programme, hoping that they will serve as useful resources for credential evaluators and admissions personnel engaged with recognition of qualifications:​

  • Information provision on recognition of qualifications - a practical guide for higher education institutions, the main aim of this document is to improve the quality of information provided by higher education institutions in line with the provisions of the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

  • Substantial differences - A glimpse of theory, practice and guidelines - this document is intended to give a broad picture of the various elements involved in the concept of substantial differences, while sharing existing good practices and examples of how to implement them. It also aims at contributing to the discussion on how to categorise the different typologies of substantial differences and to support higher education institutions in understanding whether a difference or a set of differences should be considered substantial or not.

  • Online meeting toolkit - how to create effective online events ​- this toolkit has been published to share the knowledge acquired in the TPG-LRC project. It is addressed to coordinators, researchers, employers of different kinds of organisations (national authorities, higher education institutions, companies, NGOs etc.) and anyone who needs to create an online event or conference.

For more information on the project see​